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you  did a good job  lell done  you have really good taste


Social Customs:社会习俗

Expressing Praises:表达赞扬

You did a good job.你干得漂亮。

Well done.干的好!

You have really good taste.你真的很有品味。

That's a nice car you have there.你那辆车真漂亮。

You have excellent manners.你很有风度。

You look good in red.你穿红色很好看。

That shirt really becomes you.那件衬衫真的很适合你。

I salute your efforts.我对你的努力表示敬佩。

Expressing Thanks:

Thank you for everything you 've done.感谢你所做的一切。

Thank you for the nice gift.谢谢你送的漂亮礼物。

I appreciate you kindness.我很感激你的好意。

Expressing thanks--Rresponse:

No trouble at all.

It's pleasure.

It's pleasure of mine.

Glad I 've been your help.

I hope you like it.

You look really pretty in red today.

this blue dress is becoming you .

Thank you for the wonderful meal.

I'm glad you enjoy it.


人们通过赞扬、夸奖来鼓励某些合乎自己心意的行为。人们也 目录 
外表,新买的东西,个人的财物,在某方面出色的工作等。恭维语常被作为交谈的引子。恭维的内容主要有个人的外貌、笔记“Thank you”这句话不论中、英文都用得很普遍。它用来好许多事物表示感谢,但在两种语言中的使用又有不同。对于别人
的称赞西方人往往以“Thankyou”来回答,中国人通常会否认 问答 


Social Customs:社会习俗

Expressing Praises:表达赞扬

You did a good job.你干得漂亮。

Well done.干的好!

You have really good taste.你真的很有品味。

That's a nice car you have there.你那辆车真漂亮。

You have excellent manners.你很有风度。

You look good in red.你穿红色很好看。

That shirt really becomes you.那件衬衫真的很适合你。

I salute your efforts.我对你的努力表示敬佩。

Expressing Thanks:

Thank you for everything you 've done.感谢你所做的一切。

Thank you for the nice gift.谢谢你送的漂亮礼物。

I appreciate you kindness.我很感激你的好意。

Expressing thanks--Rresponse:

No trouble at all.

It's pleasure.

It's pleasure of mine.

Glad I 've been your help.

I hope you like it.

You look really pretty in red today.

this blue dress is becoming you .

Thank you for the wonderful meal.

I'm glad you enjoy it.


Social Customs:社会习俗

Expressing Praises:表达赞扬

You did a good job.你干得漂亮。

Well done.干的好!

You have really good taste.你真的很有品味。

That's a nice car you have there.你那辆车真漂亮。

You have excellent manners.你很有风度。

You look good in red.你穿红色很好看。

That shirt really becomes you.那件衬衫真的很适合你。

I salute your efforts.我对你的努力表示敬佩。

Expressing Thanks:

Thank you for everything you 've done.感谢你所做的一切。

Thank you for the nice gift.谢谢你送的漂亮礼物。

I appreciate you kindness.我很感激你的好意。

Expressing thanks--Rresponse:

No trouble at all.

It's pleasure.

It's pleasure of mine.

Glad I 've been your help.

I hope you like it.

You look really pretty in red today.

this blue dress is becoming you .

Thank you for the wonderful meal.

I'm glad you enjoy it.



1、have good taste for sth.  对......有品位



You have really good taste. 你真的很有品位。
That's a nice car you have there.你那辆车真漂亮。
You have excellent manners. 你很有风度。
You look good in red.你穿红色很好看。
That shirt really becomes you. 那件衬衫真的很适合你。
I salute your efforts. 我对你的努力表示敬佩。


You have really good taste. 你真的很有品位。
That's a nice car you have there.你那辆车真漂亮。
You have excellent manners. 你很有风度。
You look good in red.你穿红色很好看。
That shirt really becomes you. 那件衬衫真的很适合你。
I salute your efforts. 我对你的努力表示敬佩。


you did a good job。你干的漂亮



Social customs, and social customs of learningSocial customs, and social customs of learning




be obliged 深表感谢

You flatter me.您过奖了。/I'm flattered.

You are a one in a million.你可真是百里挑一!

