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goof off  偷懒

interminable 没完没了,没有终结

donation  n.捐赠,赠送;捐赠物,赠品,捐款

judge by/from

judge from 是 从什么什么判断,裁决,注意这里from所表达的从什么什么的意思.
judge by 是 由什么什么,或被谁谁裁决判断.by 用的是常用的本身的意思.

jail  n.监狱;狱卒  vt.监禁

lay sb off 使某人下岗

former earlier  the former---the latter

assign to  分配,委派

cast in  bronze  :not changed 










语法的改变,不同的读法                                         the thing that seems to be lacking,主语  定语从句             


be kind of 有点,让语气不那么强烈

woke up ,原意是醒了,但此处表示突然变得兴奋,快乐。意思是突然动起来了,像梦中醒来一样。




gloomy 让人感到忧郁的

sunscream 防晒霜

sand 沉了下来

surround 环绕着

entire 整个的







keep out of = to avoid becoming involved in something, or stop someone or something involved in something











all the time   

once in a  while

i'd love to 



super  :adj   意思是很好 better

superb :adj    意思更好best

stunning  :令人震惊

or something  或诸如此类的

put sb. on    开玩笑

make sb. day   让某人很高兴







mist n

thick frog

meadow n.

a field with grass and often wild flowers in it

scent n

a smile 

b a pleasant smell


 一、 Lead-in

  With the development of high technology and the society,more and more people are moving into big cities.  Because there we  can enjoy  high quality education convenient  public transportation and good medical services . But living big cities also has its own disadvantage .A lot of city residents complain that there is this problem lack of love between people. Many people are indifferent to the other sufferings.

How to solve  this problem?

How to bring love back?

That is the topic that we are going to discuss in text A.

convenient adj.

transportation n.


at a disadvantage 处于不利地位

to one's disadvantage 对(某人)不利


go into detail 详述,充分叙述

in detail 精细地 ,彻底地,吹毛求疵地

explained her proposal in detail

二、Text A Love and the Cabbie



make up for sth 

to take the place of something lost or damaged or to compenstate foe something bad with something  good

outdistance vt.

to be faster in a race than other competitors,or (more generally) to be much better than someone

never so much as


frown vi.


let alone  更不用说

amount to 

to be the same as something ,or to have the same effect as something.

show up 

Informal=turn up

to arrive somewhere in order to join a group of peple,especially late or expectedly

comcerned adj.


用法 :1 be concerned about/for/sb./sth

2 be concerned taht

3  be concerned to do sth

check (up)on 

to try to discover what someone is doing in order to be certain that are doing what they should be doing.

applause n.  掌声

approach vt.

to come near





词的搭配:light beer  ,weak tea,

high mountains,tall trees,

wide awake, sound asleep, 

make a mess,make the beds,


east wind      west wind 东西方差异


1.Which of your people is the fish?

2.Steve has a good head for mathematics.

I've got a bad head.





Practice makes perfect!


hail sb./sth. as sth

to praise a person or an achievement by saying that they are similar to someone or something very good.


encourageing.or makeing you feel want to do something

loyalty n.忠诚

loyalty  to 对---忠诚

loyal adj.

be loyal to

e.g. she is always loyal to her friend.

notion n.

believe or idea

a. notion + that 同位语从句

e.g. The educator rejects ehr notion that seeing violence on television has a harmful effect on children.

b have a notion of 

e,g. I have a vague notion of what she does for a living.

unique to sb/sth 有---独有的

accomplishement n.

e.g. Getting the two leadwes to sign a pease treaty was hie greatest accomplishement

if need be =if necessary/if needed

keep/bear sth in mind

to remember a piece of information when you are making a decision or thingking about a matter







what/that's a(an) +adj.

I like/lovr you ---


need doing =need to be done 

